Sunday, November 14, 2010

Designer Babies?!

What are designer babies? It's exactly what you think it is, healthy selected embryos to create the ideal baby you've always wanted. Parents of the future won't have to worry about what sex or disabilities their babies will have because they are able to choose all that along with their appearance and personality. This is the first time I've ever heard of this, and to me it sounds a bit creepy and so inhumane! Being able to design your babies sex, hair color, eye color, body type or even personality is so unnecessary. Whatever happened to originality? Who are we to take out our babies flaws and completely build them scientifically!? I understand some parents are worried about having a child with disabilities or illnesses, but choosing their traits and characteristics is so unnatural! Doing this, it makes your future child feel like a barbie or ken doll. They don't feel special, they're like all the other designer babies that didn't receive the gifts of God. Instead their genes were played around with and changed! We're always trying to change the nature of things by trying so hard to make everything so perfect. We need to learn to accept everything in life and stop letting all these advanced technology take over our lives!

The pros of having a designer baby is that their chances of getting an illness or disease is very small. Also parents can get the gender they want and are able to choose how they'd like their child to look. Obviously there are not as many pros than cons but what more did you expect from designing your own baby.

There are a bunch of downfalls when it comes to having a designer baby. One example is that your baby loses genetic variability and may even increase the chance for their own kids to get some kind of genetic diseases. If they had a choice, they'd probably choose to have a natural birth over playing around with their genes. Designing your child may cause them have high and unrealistic expectations for themselves because they want to fit the parents "perfect" image. Another thing is that you totally just changed what they were going to originally be put on earth to become. It just does not seem right at all, kind of like building a toy more then having a beautiful child.

This picture shows a mom returning her baby because she says "it's no longer fashionable." It's so true! What if having designer babies aren't trendy and are frowned upon by society? Would you just abandon your child just like that and try to "return" it? Also, what if the dream child you had in your head didn't actually come out the way you wanted. You are then responsible for it and have it your whole life. It's so unfair that the child doesn't get to be born with natural beauty, instead they were scientifically modified. Having designer babies seems more like producing than giving birth! Like having everyone look the same being so called perfect. There's a quote by Edward Young saying, "We are all born originals-why is it so many of us die copies?" But to me, having a designer baby changes this whole saying! It's more that the babies are already being born as copies because their personal traits were not natural. God gave us the gift of being original and unique and now science is even playing around with that?